Saturday 27 July 2013

Beauty From Ashes

Hello everyone! 

This is my very first post and I have to admit, I haven't got a clue how to use this, but I'm figuring it out as I go along ;) 

Anyway, onto today's post! 

Have you ever wondered "surely there's got to be more to my life than this?" Well I certainly have, and this morning I am back to that very same question. Today I once again feel as if I am meant for something more, something greater,  more than a 9-5. You may call me crazy, but I know I am! 

Whether you believe in God or not is a choice solely up to you. I'm not here to push Christianity onto you or anything, but I do want to share some of the trials I've faced over the years with you, perhaps in later posts :) Being a daughter of the King doesn't mean life is easy and "royalties" are given freely. No. We still have to work - faith without action means nothing right? Right. 

What I'm trying to say is that recently, I've been through another set of trials, all at once, over 4days. This time, I really thought this was it, I wasn't going to make it anymore, I was going to give up on everything - my future, my friends - I couldn't trust anyone. I'll just settle for less than "okay" and join the rat race, hide behind a wall of false happiness and fool the world, including my family. But you know what, HOPE was set into me once again. A renewal of mind, an outbreak of positivity and optimism, sudden joy that these bad things had happened...where did this come from? How can that be true? You say, "there is no way someone can be happy about their sadness and suffering!! That's clearly insane!"

Let me tell you, at the darkest moments of my life, something has always happened to lift me up, whether it be the kindness of a friend, the smile of a child or even the unexpected peace and quiet in the middle of a city. I'm telling you, these experiences have never happened too early, and never too late. Just at the right time for myself to LEARN something from it. The thing that I love the most? Well, it allows me to do the same for others. To be a light! A pick me up :) Don't be sad if someone only remembers you in their hardest times, be honoured that they thought of you in their time of need. That my friend, means Y-O-U bring them hope :D

You are meant for something more, believe me. If someone like me has finally realised that, you can too. A bright future is waiting for you. But don't just dream about it, DO something about it! Find it! I'm still searching and waiting for mine, you can too. It WILL all come together eventually. And one last thing, remember no one needs to go through life alone, if you need help, it's okay to reach out :) a shared burden is a lighter one! So, lets do this together :) 

God bless! 

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